They say near a billion critters will die in the bush fires of Australia. That you can hear them screaming from the brush as the fire closes in. It's terrible news. People blame PM Scott Morrison for ignoring the warning signs of climate change - for favoring the coal industry over the lives of people and animals, over the decline and demise of the Great Barrier Reef.
They also blame Rupert Murdoch for installing conservative governments in Australia, the United States, and the UK. Which makes me wonder, why would Murdoch want to kill us, along with all the innocent creatures across the land and oceans of the world, and destroy the whole planet?
Former Labor PM Kevin Ruud claims that Murdoch media controls public opinion. And in large swaths of the free world - from India to China, Australia, America, and back again - he has enough clout to sway the elections. But how did this happen, right in front of us, and nobody even noticed?
Seems Murdoch slithered out of Australia in 1968 like an invasive species and was soon infesting England with his right wing propaganda, helping to elect Maggie Thatcher. He began by taking over British tabloid newspapers...and ended up controlling cable television with his Sky TV network. Then he set his sights on America. I remember, back in '95 or so...
Newt Gingrich was Speaker of the House. And how'd this little nobody from Georgia get such a prestigious position? By organizing - money. He re-invented GOPAC, where any filthy rich scumbag could send their dollars to Washington by way of Newt. Clever, no? Yes...and Murdoch was there with his moneybags; a good investment, it turns out.
Together, Murdoch and Gingrich launched their contract on America, a hit-job to take power from the people and put it in the hands of the top 1% where it belongs. They were determined to root out evils like social security and public health care; and to focus on the problems at hand - like flag burning, school prayer, and inheritance tax - conservatism for America and around the world.
Today we know it as Trumpism - nationalism, populism, fascism, or whatever name you call it by. Means simply the rich get richer and the poor get conned out of their last thin dime. The bottom line - big business is more important than you are. But I still don't get it. What's in it for Rupert? I've tried to pin him down: he invests a bit in Genie Oil & Gas, but it's not a big money maker for him. He doesn't seem to really favor Tories over Labor; or least straddles the fence when suits him. So what's his goal, why promote global death & destruction?
Well, it seems Murdoch is kinda like that William Randolph Hearst fellow, who started a war in Cuba with one aim in mind - sell papers and get richer - by inventing chaos. Apparently Rupert doesn't much care who wins or loses as long as it's sensational. As long as wars or raging fires make headlines - people gonna watch. People gonna turn on Fox News, Sky News, Murdoch News to watch the madness and mayhem and witness their own self- destruction. And as long as they do, Murdoch gonna cash in on it and gleefully watch it burn.
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