Sunday, March 15, 2020

Knowing People

I wouldn't want a job you could do from home. Unless was farming - and I don't believe in raising animals for slaughter. As for producing fruit and vegetables for sale - that requires large numbers of migrant workers, plus marketing and shipping contracts - so that's basically managing your own industrial operation. 

I suppose writing is an at-home job. But how could you write anything worth reading if you weren't out and about. You couldn't very well comment on life unless you've some knowledge of living it. Like Joe Ridgwell - get out there and see the world and its people, and know what's going on afore you tell the rest of us how to live and what to do. Cuz I aint gonna read yer crap just cuz yer a famous writer.

But isn't that true for everything. Who would want any product from Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates lessen them boys had researchers who figure out what we all need and what works best for us. And them market researchers better be out talkin' with folk and gettin' the knowin' of things. That is - the knowing of people. 

Cuz tha's what's all about. Us eight billion interactin' daily with one nuther. Stayin' home is fine for the duration of The Plague but if y'ahs ever read Camus' book - it sucks, big time. An if you ever watched World War Z - ditto. Plagues aint cool & aint no fun. Fear, panic, and world at war - is no way to live. (Not even a good way to die, I reckon.)

An' y'know what Papa was desperately searchin' for in Cormac McCarthy's post-apocalypse The Road. He was a walkin' a wanderin' an lookin' all over hell - fer other people. Cuz survival depends on being a member of the biggest strongest and bestest group. Re: Robinson Crusoe who greatly needed his pal Friday, or Tom Hanks in Castaway who had to invent his own liddle buddy, Wilson. 

Now I got my own survival strategies & I won't share 'em cuz this virus will likely go viral & I don't wanna be caught short (as Johnny Wad usta say). So I recommend everbuddy just figure out what's best for them, and we'll compare notes after the test. Meanwhile, read good books - I got a bunch, even wrote a couple you might like. And as the song says "ask me about death and disease, I say eat yer vegetables & do whatcha please."

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