Monday, March 23, 2020

Noah's Boat

Surprises me that no one's mentioned the biologic of corinavus. I heard there's this river in Africa called Nile - it floods every year turning the flood plain into amazing fertile growing soil. They call it - nature. 

 And when I'se in the college, this course in psycologgy say that when you put a reasonable number of rats in a big enough cage, they fare well. Triple the number of rat, an' all hell break loose - murder, mayhem, perversion, madness - their environment caint tolerate massive overcrowding. So naturally, they self-destruct.

The point was to analogize that the same was likely true fer human bein. When we so desperately overcrowd, by nature, we gonna start self-destructin with murder mayhem and et cetera. And if that aint 'nuff, Mother Nature gonna give us a quicker out - massive death by disease - to cull the herd. So, by our standards, Nile flooding is fantastic way to make rich growing soil. And auto-destruct by virus is.........what? The same ferkin thing, I reckon. The strong survive, the weak die off, overcrowding decreases. And lessons in biologic are.......never ever learned by dumb humans.

If t'were deers or some other critter enjoying life in the wild, we'd say - kill 'em 'til we gots a sustainable population. They's jus' dumb animals. (Not like us.) Like Pete Seeger say "why do we never learn?"

Some oerpowering need of "in charge" I guess. Like we's in charge of whatever small stuff we can be, and alla rest - some almighty all knowing ruler like DonJay Trump or Jaime Diamond in charge of. Yeah.....well nobody dumb 'nuff t'believe that. (Okay, so half the people in the country are that dumb) and they also think the Spirit in the Sky is watchin' oer all of it. I reckon this sorta resignation of personal responsibility help folk sleep at night (or sleep alla they lives away, in a manner a speaking.)

And I reckon is natural enough - we devolved from cave dwellers where the concept was - dad's guarding the cave entrance, so the rest a us can catch our eight hours a night eyes shut, worry free. An' all this progressed t'where's we can keep our eyes closed alla time now. DonJay and Jaime got it covered. 

But the "or not" is what y'might wanna consider. Cuz y'either puts a sharp guy like Obama in charge a stuff, or yah's kinda gotta it hangin' out there fer the wolfs and bears t'take bites off'n yer ass. Dontcha know.

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