Monday, March 16, 2020

Survival Code

I prepared for this moment all my life. Always wanted to speak to a world-wide audience, to bring them - all, everyone - to a state of awareness; a knowing of the truth of things, a knowing of reality. Now, finally the world is ready to listen. So this is my message - I can help you. 

But my knowledge of all things isn't the word of God, for He doesn't speak to me more so than anyone else. That is - if God were to speak to any, no doubt He'd speak to all - thus eliminating the ever-present potential for false prophets. 

And my knowing isn't unique or intuitive, any more than it is for each and everyone. Cuz that's the same as the God-principle: wouldn't be fair for one person to have such special brain-power that no one else has. No - we all got's our fair share of thought making, intuition, education, genetic genius.

What I have is a unique educational background, like everyone else. That is, for each of us, how and what we've learned is a bit different from how and what everyone else knows. Thus (in the Hegelian world view) we can combine these eight billion bits of info into a coherent whole.

Start here - I admit that most all I know derives from twenty-five thousand years of human trial and error; from Adam's hearing voices ( there?) to Eve's apple-testing "Hmm, I kinda like snakey over there; he make me feel good."

From Aristotle's dialogue (and Hegel's dialectic) to Stokely Carmichael's brilliant scatalogic "Africans built the pyramids...okay, so they were Jews and slaves from all over...they were in Africa, n'est pas?" And another thing - BJ Palmer's assertion that innate intelligence supercedes: "follow yer hunches" he'd say "that's Innate tellin' yah what t'do."

Priority One (subject to change) figure it out. Re: Edgar Poe's "Cask of Amontillado" ignorance is fatal - read the story, you'll know what it means. In fact read all you can, listen, learn, grow. We can all do that ever day. But don't just rely on some smart (or stupid) President tellin' yah what t'do. Figure it out, bud. If yer life depends on knowing what to do, by God, use yer own smarts and make yer own plans. (We can compare notes affer the test.) The correct answer is - those of us who lived thu it, got it right. 

Priority Two - tell me ('n ever one) whatcha think. Maybe you gots ideas I don't. Let's share our brilliance. Thomas Chatterton Williams (et al) says "we're all in this together." I think Jesus mighta said the same thing, but folk only heard wot they wanted to hear. In fact, Able was tellin' that to Cain, who had diff'rnt views. Anyway, I wanna hear from y'ahs, from everyone 'bout their ideas of how to get thu this, and how to build a better world, using the hashtag "nothing to fear." 

In '65 John Lennon wrote us a song "Think for Yourself" and presciently added "cuz I won't be there with you." #nothingtofear

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