Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Racism and Equality

Whenever we divide ourselves along racial lines like "whites" and "minorities" we affirm that race defines who we are. People who do that - are racists. They define themselves and everyone else by skin color. And not in an objective or abstract way. To them - white is evil, black is good. Their problem with America is based on slavery and Article 1 of the Constitution.

But not really. My granddaughter says her friends want to raise hell when they're young because "you can't do that when you grow up." I corrected her - they want to raise hell - because they're too dumb to know any better. They've no clue of how to wisely spend their time. The rest is simply rationalizating, an excuse for their ignorance.

Same for racists - it isn't that people were enslaved and counted as "three-fifths" human. It's that they don't understand what that means. The Constitution of 1787 excluded Native Americans completely. Black activists hate that America counted them as only three-fifths "human" but fail to recognize that Indians were counted as "zero" human. How racist can you get?

Native Americans were given "human" status by Act of Congress in 1928. Prior to that, they were largely exterminated via genocide and/or exiled at gun-point to harsh concentration camps called "reservations." Now that'd be something for "activists" to bitch about. 

And if you say "we only care about our own people" then I'd say you got a lot in common with White Supremacists.

The other "elephant in the room" is slavery. Consider - why didn't European ships pick up white slaves from Europe before coming to America to process and harvest sugar in the Caribbean or cotton and tobacco in the South? Cuz - the only people selling slaves were black Africans - who were selling their conquered enemies. And like it or not, that's a fact.

Alex Haley's movie "Roots" depicts white slavers as being so clever and skillful that they could go to the largely unknown and unexplored (by Europeans) continent of Africa, and entrap black Africans who knew their own land better than anyone. And that actually happened - rarely. The vast majority of black African slaves were captured and sold by other black Africans. Y'see truth can be more cruel than fiction but it's good to know anyway. 

It doesn't make it right, and it doesn't excuse anyone from their part in the evils of slavery. Just this - don't blame white Europeans for slavery anymore than you blame black African slave traders - the guilt is equal. 

So why aren't we demanding "reparation" be paid to black Americans by the African nations who sold slaves in the eighteenth century? Well, cuz that'd be stupid. All those folks are long dead for hundreds of years now. So...why the fuck are we keeping this hatred alive? Cuz just like slavery two hundred years ago - it makes money. 

A very clever (and lazy-ass way) to get what others got is to shame them into thinking they they got theirs illegally and thus owe you part of their ill-gotten gains (beats workin'). But not really. Beggars and whores give up their self-worth for whatever they get in return.

So let me tell you what equality is. It's in your head. If you want to be equal - be equal. Don't try to talk it or write it. Don't try to buy it or even demand it. Just do it. And then forever put it to bed and forget about it. And I don't need no "ethnic" dolls to play with. I see Stokely Carmichael - and he looks just like me.

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